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The RSCS 2024 course is split into two parts.

  • Part A is live virtual on 30 September - 2 October 2024 and will cover the theory of fundamentals of signal and control systems as well as, signal system design.
  • Part B will be delivered in person at IET Stevenage: Futures Place on 8 - 10 October 2024, and focuses on the elements of systems implementation and includes the technical visit.

Delegates have the option to attend the whole course (Parts A: Theory and B: Practical) or part of it (Part A: Theory or Part B: Practical).

Part A
30 September – 2 October 2024, live virtual

Day one - Monday, 30 September 2024

Signal and control systems in context

09:30 Teams opens
09:35 Event Producer, IET
House Keeping
09:40 Chair Welcome and Icebreaker

Andy Bourne, Senior Technical Director, Arcadis TBC
10:00 Session 1: Keynote - Signalling the future
10:20 Break
10:35 Session 2: A Brief History of Railway Signalling – from the Bobby to the Balise.
11:30 Break
11:45 Session 3: The Role of the Regulator
12:40 Lunch
13:40 Session 4: How does Signalling Contribute to the Railway Enterprise
14:35 Break
14:50 Session 5: Engineering Safety Management and the Signalling Engineer: A Beginners Guide to Engineering Safety Management
15:45 Break
16:00 Session 6: Human Factors for Railway Signalling and Control Systems
16:55 Day one finish
Day two - Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Fundamentals of signal and control systems

09:30 Teams opens
09:35 Chair welcome
09:40 Session 7: The Need for Train Detection
10:35 Break
10:50 Session 8: Interlocking Principles
11:45 Break
12:00 Session 9: Group workshop
12:55 Lunch
13:55 Session 10: Intermittent and Continuous ATP
14:50 Break
15:05 Session 11: Systems Engineering and Requirements Management
16:00 Session 12: Group workshop
17:00 Day two finish
Day three - Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Signal system design

09:30 Teams opens
09:35 Chair welcome
09:40 Session 13: Rail Traffic Management Systems (RTMS) and Driver Advisory Systems (DAS)
10:35 Break
10:50 Session 14: Telecommunications Supporting Signalling and Railway Operations
11:45 Break
11:50 Session 15: Signalling for Capacity
12:20 Lunch
13:20 Session 16: Metro moving block principles
13:50 Break
14:05 Session 17: Signalling Train Equipment and Interfaces
15:00 Break
15:15 Session 18: Group workshop
16:15 Day three finish

Part B
8 – 10 October 2024, IET Stevenage: Futures Place

Day four - Tuesday, 8 October 2024

System implementation

09:15 Registration
09:30 Chair welcome
09:40 Session 1: Electrical Interfaces (Integration, Safety and Management)
10:35 Break
10:55 Session 2: Simulation and Performance
11:50 Lunch
13:00 Session 3: Intelligent Infrastructure
13:55 Break
14:05 Session 4: European Rail Implementation: Beyond the shores of the UK
15:00 Break
15:15 Session 5: Case study - Elizabeth Line
16:10 Session 6: Project workshop 1 - Charting the course
  • Delegates dive into the intricate world of railway signalling, forming teams and tackling a real-world scenario. They brainstorm innovative solutions, laying the groundwork for a safer and more efficient signalling system.
17:05 Day four finish
Day five - Wednesday, 9 October 2024

08:45 Registration
09:00 Chair welcome
09:10 Session 7: Pursuing high reliability
10:05 Break
10:15 Session 8: Case Study: CBTC technology on London Underground - Four Lines Modernisation programme
11:10 Break
11:20 Session 9: Asset Management of Modern Systems
12:15 Lunch
13:15 Session 10: Cyber Security
14:10 Break
14:20 Session 11: Project workshop 2 - Drilling Down to Details
  • Teams refine their chosen signalling approach, delving deeper into technical specifics and optimising infrastructure plans. They prepare to face expert scrutiny and emerge with a robust strategy.
16:20 Day five finish
Day six - Thursday, 10 October 2024

09:15 Registration
09:30 Session 12: Project workshop 3 - Red Light, Green Light, Go For It! Presenting and Polishing Signalling Designs
  • Teams confidently present their detailed signalling proposals to a panel of experts, defend their solution and receive feedback. Through this collaborative review, they gain valuable insights to refine their designs and ensure optimal safety and performance
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Travel
14:00 Technical visit - Stratford Market Depot

The technical visit offers delegates the chance to turn theory into practice with a visit to Stratford Market Depot to see the fleet (control tower and second line maintenance lab) and the signal training school.